Word of God speak, let it fall down like rain....

seeking God's plan for my life, one day at a time...

Saturday, July 23, 2005


I haven't updated in a while, haven't really had much to say, and I've been so extremely busy I barely get time to do anything for myself. My job this summer is so stressful and I'm finding hard that I don't get the chance to spend time with any of my friends or make new friendships with some of the staff. I am really being challenged though and that is something that I really prayed for at the beginning of the summer. I asked God to break me, and last week that definately happened...I was at the end of my rope and knew the only way to get through that was wth God. I'm learning alot this summer about leadership and how hard it can be at times, but I know that I'm growing in my abilities. I'm still unsure as to if I'm in the right place this summer but I know that God is still using me in this situation. And becuase God is working in me, satan is also working against me.....i'm vulnerable to my weaknesses and have created such drama with certain people and have messed up situations and I'm sick of satan always getting to me. There are a few things right now that I'm really struggling with, prayer support would be awesome. I'm trying to stay strong and just have faith that God has my burdens in his hands.


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