Well, today has been a very productive day. I've finished to major papers, and now I don't know what to do with myself. So I've decided to update my blog...for the second time today. What? I'm a new blog user and quite frankly it's a bit exciting..especially when people leave comments...YAY to you people!!!! Anywho...hmm...what's been on my mind today? Ok...well...going to an interdenominational Christian University, surprisingly feels like high school again. Well not exactly..but to a certain extent. Like with high school you have friends with different beliefs, religions, and then there's the people that just don't care. Well you wouldn't think it, but even going to a Christian University you still get ( I wouldn't say persecuted) picked on becuase of your denomination. Well at least I do. I'm a Salvation Army girl, I can't say I've really been proud of that my whole life, but now I've come to the realization that it's a big part of my life and who I am. Most of my friends at school are Pentecostal, now if you know anything about denominations you know that there's a pretty big difference there. In conversations at school, I feel like a minority, and that I'm being told that what I beleive is wrong or different things that the Army practices or don't practice are wrong. We all believe in the same God for crying out loud! I don't know that much about other denominations to really argue this but I just find it frustrating that we're all Christians, and there are different denominations because of the history of the church, yet we tear eachother down because we're divided into categories. Ultimately we all believe that Jesus died for our sins and that if we accept him as our personal Lord and Saviour then we will live eternally with him in heaven! As Christians we're supposed to be accepting and not judge one another, so lets hold ourselves accountable of that.
At 8:56 PM,
Ian said…
Oh wow. Do i have things to look forward to in the new year then. I agree with waht you say, wether or not you're pentecostal or from the salvation army, no one should have to feel at a minority, NO ONE. You're all at the school for the same reason to serve Jesus so why the division? Frankly its quite distressing to hear. But sooner or later, preferably sooner, we will all join forces against the rising forces of Satan, no matter what denomination we are!
But yea. Don't worry. In January, their'll be another Sally Army minority to join the ranks. ME!
have a good one
the Confetti Wizard...aka..Kramer! lol...yea..i like confetti
At 12:24 PM,
Esther Atkins said…
I totally agree with what you said about serving the same Lord. Even within the SA we still have disagreements that are absoultly rediculous when you think about the fact we're all on the same side! Aiming for the same goal!!
But on another note...I think you should go to class with a big Salvo flag tomorrow :)
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